

Monday 6 July 2020

19 Random Facts About Me

Bonus fact: I adore pearls. 

So, once again I am stealing a post idea from Brooklynn. xD I don't know how many of these facts you know, but I tried to think of wacky or unknown ones, soooo... xD Let's see how well I did. ;)

1. I absolutely loathe onions. I bet most people knew that. I can’t help talking about it. They’re positively sneaky. They just sit there and all of a sudden you crunch on them. Or they squish into slime. Gross. I’ve always found them so disgusting. I also dislike peas because they smell sweet... somehow that just turns me off. And the smell of mayonnaise totally disgusts me. XD Sorry if you like these stuffs—I’ve nothing personal against you if you do. XP
2. I collect blue-&-white china dolls. I’ve been collecting them for years and I have several pieces now. Several have been broken (I share a room with 4 little kids...) but my father always was able to glue them back together, so. XD
3. I really prefer to be barefoot. Bare feet over socks, socks over shoes. In the summer I’m barefoot 90% of the time. In the winter it’s more like 50%. XD 
4. I have had ongoing serial stories my head ever since I can remember. They morph a lot as I meet new characters/subjects/incidents in books, and the spotlight has shifted several times from one family to another. Someday I want to write some of those down... but they’re so near and dear to me, I don’t know if I can.  
5. If someone says something there’s a 50% chance it’ll remind me of a quotation & a 45% chance that I’ll say that quotation aloud. Of course I have my pet ones that my family’s heard a million times, but every once in a while I pull out a new one... I really can’t help it and it puts some fun into the day! It wouldn’t be the same if when someone said “that thing” someone else didn’t say “that thing can sing. That thing can sing like anything.” Or if someone says “has anybody seen...?” it is incumbent on someone to answer, “Has anybody seen my mouse?” (Please tell me if you recognize these quotations... someone has to!) 
6. I am obsessed by rings and have always been. XD I’ve also always thought they looked prettier on the middle finger than on the fourth one. I’ve also always been in love with high heels, earrings (especially big golden hoops!!), roses, and wedding dresses. 😍😍😍😍😍
7. Due to my bookshelf having been composed 95% of classics/old books until I was about 15, formal/old words come naturally to me. When I write, I will often sit for a minute or two trying to remember what is that word that starts with i and means “a responsibility.” Sometimes I have to recourse to a thesaurus or Google, other times it comes after some brain-wracking. XD 
8. Following on the last fact, I also have no idea how to pronounce those words generally. As a rule, I only hear spoken English through videos & my family. The English words are the words of my heart, but the English pronunciation is entirely foreign to my tongue! XD I am constantly being corrected by my friends and mother when I talk. And if it’s a French word... forget it. I’ll say it the French way and likely have no idea how to say it the English way! 
9. Babies and little children totally steal my heart. Only I have no idea how to handle them, for all that I have 8 little siblings and don’t know life without a baby or a little one! So I usually love them from afar... or for about five minutes if they’re nearby. XD 
10. I dislike when people who make ebook copies of books put the italicized words in capitals instead of italics. Because WHO has not the same inflection as who. Minor pet peeve of mine. XD
11. I will be found singing random hymns or songs (or the Messiah) at any given time. And if someone else joins me so we can sing beautifully together it makes my heart so happy.
12. I hoard chocolate for a long, long time. Months, in fact. Also, I tend to hoard my money (a habit from when I was young and money was a scarce commodity for me) and books (because new books were widely-spaced events. This year, with the 800+ new books waiting for me to read, I’ve gotten over hoarding books. Now I just struggle to find time to read them. XD
13. I really, really love natural peanut butter. Also mozzarella & cheddar cheese. And black or green olives (the stuffed ones are the best!!!). And scrambled eggs. Those are some of my all-time favourite food. Btw, the smell of frying meat is my favourite smell, and the smell of eggs cooking is second best. Weird, I know. (And by the way... totally going random here, but Hawaiian pizza (aka with pineapples & ham) is super yummy. My favourite pizza is pepperoni & cheese, but the second favourite is Hawaiian. Also, MontrΓ©al pizza is the best. If you've never eaten any, you've never tasted real pizza.)
14. I have a deep love for the two golden hours of the day. By which I mean the golden hour of the evening, from like 6:00-8:30 when things are quiet and the sun is low and the whole atmosphere is golden; and the golden hour of the afternoon, around 5:00-5:30, when the day is starting to wind down but it’s not evening yet. My favourite time of day in the summer is the period from about 5 to 8:30. I always go outside then if I can.  
15. I prefer to sit on the floor than on a chair, and I like to be able to lean against the wall or something else that’s solid. 
16. When I was about 8 my uncle got married and I was his flower-girl. I wrecked my flower-girl dress one day when I was wearing it while playing on an exercise bike. It was fixed, and is still in my closet... and I love it. When I was about 16 my mother made me a regency dress which is gorgeous but I hated wearing it (I didn’t like how it looked on me and I found it uncomfortable) so it’s also hanging in my closet. XD 
17. I have a pronounced dislike to noises that are spasmodic and irregular. People tapping on a keyboard, chewing things, making random noises that aren’t continual... drives me BANANAS. Unfortunately, I do it a lot myself and it doesn’t bother me when I do it because I know my pattern... but then people think I’m inconsistent. XP
18. I love being in the wind. There’s nothing like swinging outside when the wind is tearing through the trees and making them roar like the sea. I love to hear the wind in trees, so much. I totally relate to Heidi there. 
19. I have a bad habit (well, not really, since it’s not intentional, but anyways—) of dreaming of meeting friends and they’re either awful or very unlike themselves, or something terrible happens. For instance, I dreamed I went to visit a friend in Japan and we ended up being attacked by American Indians. Oddly enough, no mater how terrifying the dream is I’m never afraid... but I have been afraid of people after because they were awful in my dream. XD

 ~ / / ~

Well, there you go! Did you learn something new about me? xD
 Tell me a random fact about yourself! 


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