

Monday 31 August 2020

The Small Joys Tag

Such a fun tag as I have for you today! ;D This was delightful to read and delightful to write. :) I hope you enjoy it too!! 

1. Thank the blogger who tagged you. | No one tagged me... I just stole the tag from Ben. XP 
2. List 15 of your Small Joys. (They can be as weird, random, and silly as you want to make them!) ✔️ 
3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy (and feel free to say why they bring you joy!) ✔️ 
4. Have fun with it! ✔️ 

So here we go!! 
  1. Listening to hymns. I just love listening to my hymns playlist and sometimes singing along. There’s just something about singing to the Lord that blesses my heart. Never fails to make my day better! 
  2. Having a long conversation with a friend. I very seldom talk face-to-face with friends—usually I interact with them via text/social media. So I really enjoy getting to talk to a friend for a long time. Video chats are also amazing!!!
  3. Capturing a really good Bookstagram picture. :) I love beauty and books and when you mix the two... 😉🥰
  4. Accomplishing a project. Yes, I’ve very much of a accomplisher/goal-driven person. Getting my whole to-do list done makes me happy. And finishing a project means it’s off my list (forever or for a while, depending 😝) which is really good. 😉 
  5. Pictures of saris or wedding dresses. XD I have always loved saris and wedding dresses and just looking at them makes my heart sooo happy. 
  6. Sitting down and writing. It’s hard, but it also make me so happy to do. Especially when I can sprint with a friend :) 
  7. Small details. The food in a Calico Critter set, the tiny flowers by the door, the ring on someone’s finger, the matching glasses on the table, the uniformity of my Books Reviewed blog page... details just make me so happy. 
  8. Lists!! I enjoy making lists and making them as perfect as possible. I’m always making lists and losing them and rewriting them and finding them and... you get the picture. XD
  9. Pretty handwriting. I just love to soak in pretty handwriting!!! 
  10. Looking at the sky. Oh, I love the sky. It’s so beautiful. Starry, cloudy, sunny, sunset-y... it’s gorgeous. 
  11. Good stories. Whether it’s a book, a life experience, or a random scene caught as I pass some people, stories make me happy. 
  12. Laughter. It’s impossible for me not to laugh if someone around me is laughing—even if it’s a pure stranger. Unless I disagree with what they’re laughing about, lol. 
  13. Finding out a really cool piece of information. I just love to connect dots and see how one thing affected another. How something is made. Why something happened. I love to know and to be able to share it with someone else! 
  14. Wearing jewelry. Just knowing I’m wearing pretty earrings, or seeing the ring on my finger or the bracelet on my arm, makes me so happy. I feel feminine and cheerful and pretty. 
  15. Folding clothes. I actually like folding clothes. I’d rather fold clothes than do any other chore! I always have been THE clothes folder in our family. XD
  16. And a bonus fact for good measure... signing. I love ASL so much and I love watching it and signing it. <33 
And finally, I tag....

~ Mikayla! You have a lovely blog, and I always look forwards to your posts! You're inspiring & a blessing. <33
~ Kassie! <33 I love your blog so much! You always bring a smile to my face or touch my heart in a special way.
~ Rachel! Your blog is just so encouraging & uplifting & helpful! Every time I see a notification of your new post it makes me happy. 
~ Victoria! Each post is helpful, interesting, or encouraging. Thank you! <3 
~ And if anyone else wants to steal this tag, feel free. :) 

~ / / ~
Tell me one of your small joys... or three... or five... ;) 


  1. I love your list! Thanks for doing this tag!!

  2. So many great things on your list!! <3 I loved reading this. :)

  3. Katja! I love this post!! Some of the little things that bring you joy bring me joy too! Hymns, chats with friends, accomplishing things . . .
    And as for Calico Critters . . . my sister and I lost ourselves for half-an-hour on the internet looking at them, and wishing we were young enough to add more to our collection! ;) You are right - the details are amazing!!!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Chelsea!! I'm glad you enjoyed this list!! Aw, more similarities... ;) YESSSS I love Calico Critters and I would totally like to start my own collection!!!!


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