Monday 4 February 2019

4 Life Hacks for Restless People

I am a very easily distracted, easily bored person. I have a hard time focusing on things, especially if my hands aren't involved somehow. I'm the kind of girl who needs to chew something, fidget with something, or listen to something to keep my attention on what I'm doing. So I have a couple tricks for keeping my attention.

1) Knitting & Embroidery.

Watching a video or listening to something for school? Enter the knitting needles or the sampler. I can do my school handicrafts while doing my biology and music. What's not to love? ;)

2) Audiobooks, Videos, & Music.

Folding clothes or doing the bathroom? Listen to an audiobook (I use Librivox, which is free, or borrow my mother's Audible). If you like music, listen to hymns or classical pieces. Or catch up on your friends' YouTube videos. Lots of bloggers I follow do vlogs more or less regularly. I simply haven't the patience to sit and watch them. So while sorting our family's laundry and folding my clothes (... which I tend to procrastinate until I have a ton), I hope onto their YouTube, stick earphones in, and listen to their videos.

3) Snacking.

Reading or watching a video? Arrange it so you can eat your normal snack (preferably healthy) while doing so. If you really can't stop craving food and musn't eat, chew gum. (Two of my favourite snacks are apples with natural peanut butter, and almonds mixed with dates and raisins and sometimes chocolate chips). That keeps your hands occupied!

4) Stress Balls & Blankets.

I haven't tried making these stress balls yet, but I think they would be fantastic. (Note: This is not a free class. We pay about $5 a month for this amazing app. I don't recommend it all, nor all the artists, but they have some fantastic stuff. Incidentally, that's where I'm taking embroidery lessons). Another thing I like to do, which may just be a personal quirk, is getting knitted or crocheted blankets and slipping my toes and fingers into the openings. That really is a huge relaxing for me. :P


This was one of my very first posts, written before I'd even made my blog public. xD I thought it still might be useful to someone... and if it isn't, well, enjoy seeing my blogging style before I began blogging. ;P

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