Monday 20 April 2020

Katja's Tips to Having a Productive Day

Hiya, friends! I'm here today with a lifestyle post. This is a list of things that I've found help me to have a productive day. I hope you'll find them useful. :)

1. Get ready.
It's always best to get up early. It gives one more time. xP 

But regardless of whether it is 5:20 a.m. or 7:45 a.m., the question still stands. Can you get to work on your to-do list? Not if you’re curled up in your bed. Get up! Get ready. If you’re like me, you’re probably already dressed by now, but if not…

1) Get dressed! xP
2) Brush your hair and put it in a ponytail (optional—that just helps me feel businesslike!). Clean your glasses if you have some, too. xP
3) Put on some earrings or a necklace or something that makes you feel happy. :)
4) Turn on some music. It helps with concentration & attitude. :)
5) Eliminate distractions. Turn on the do-not-disturb, silence the notifications, remove them altogether, turn off your phone, turn off the wifi, hide your current read, whatever. Just recognize and eliminate the distractions. 
6) Have your quiet time with God. This sets the tone for the whole day. Have your devotions. Pray. Putting God first will bless you and prosper the work of your hands. 
7) Find an accountability partner. I don’t always do this, but many people find it helpful and when I do do it, it is really motivational. Try to find them in advance, though, so you don’t spend 25 minutes browsing Social Media while waiting for your friend to answer your “want to be my accountability partner?” text. ;P Or  just pick someone who knows & loves you and let them know what you’re trying to do.
8) Declutter. If you're going to work mainly in one area  (ex. your desk or your room), clean it up. It won't take that much time, but it will improve your atmosphere and your attitude.   

And if you haven't had breakfast yet, that might be a good idea too. ;P

2. Have a plan.
I am positive this beautiful little planner of mine is responsible for my much more productive life. When you have a plan, you're not rushing round trying to remember all you have to do or scattering in a million different directions because you want to do everything you're thinking of. It looks like wasting time to sit down and draw up a plan instead of diving into your day, but I promise it isn't. To-do lists are great, but plans are even better.

A to-do list is simply a list of what you need to accomplish in a day. A plan is a detailed blueprint of how you will accomplish out that list. 

1) Draw up your to-do list.
2) Prioritize. What are the top 3 (or top 5 max.) things you absolutely need to do today?
3) Specify. How many steps does each thing have?
4) Identify what stuff needs to be done first. For example, the laundry. You need to do it all day, so start it early and a load can wash while you do something else. Or, have you any appointments or deadlines? Make sure you include that in your plan.
5) Add your everyday stuff. This will not only help you feel like you accomplished something, it will also help you see what you’re doing with your day & the really important things that need to get done. And if throughout the day you do something that wasn’t on your list, add it to the list and cross it off. ;) 
6) Be realistic. You obviously won't be able to do what you do normally in the evening if you are going to be hanging out at a friend’s until 9:30. Don’t saddle yourself with more than you can actually accomplish. That’s just asking for discouragement. If you complete all that you had originally set out, you can always add more, anyways.
7) List what things can go together. Will you need to be in one place or use the same thing for three different tasks? Try to do them all in a row. What stuff can you switch back and forth between if you have to?
8) Try to list things according to how you can do them. Can you not do a certain task until mid-afternoon? Put it lower on your list. Can you do something right away? Put it first. Try to create a list that will follow your day. That way you can start at the beginning and make your way down to the top without wasting time trying to find what you can do just now. 

3. Get to work.
Now you're ready to tackle that to-do list! Let's start.

1) Set the timer. Timers are sooo helpful to keep you motivated and concentrated. If you're someone who likes that kind of stuff, do a sprint with a friend. Set a length of time (ex. 15 minutes) or an end time (ex. 9:45) and see how much you can do in that much time. 
2) Don't take too many breaks. Yes, rewards are good and you need one or two. But there's no need to stop and browse Instagram every fifteen minutes. You'll only get derailed. And time those breaks and make yourself GET BACK TO WORK when it's done.
3) Multitask. Listen to an audiobook while you wash the dishes. Upload those pictures while you dust the living room. Don't go overboard or you'll end up with disaster, but some multitasking can be done easily and safely. 
4) Use the spare minutes. Are you waiting for someone? Do something small in the place where you’re at. Answer the email you’ve been needing to reply. Finish the chapter in your current read. Clean through your inbox or your camera roll. There are a number of little things you can do on your phone while you wait, or in the room where you’re waiting, probably. 
5) Don't waste time. Sounds like a no-brainer, but it's hard to do. There are many ways to waste time during your day--don't do it! If you're struggling to find time, try writing down every time you do something, no matter how trivial. Let the dog out? Write it down. Fixed your hair? Write it down. Maybe you'll find out a bad habit of yours that you weren't even aware of. At any rate, you'll quickly see where your time goes and you'll be able to be more mindful of what you're doing with your day. 
6) Stick to your list. Don't hop around or skip around. Systems are efficient if you work them out! You'll save time by not trying to figure out what you feel like doing. Just do it was you planned out--as long, of course, as you see that it's reasonable. But at the same time...

4. Keep in mind what's really important.
The successfulness of a day depends on your attitude and actions. Don't allow yourself to be cast down or stressed. Keep your eyes on Jesus and your mind fixed on what's really important. 

1) Keep a good attitude. I can't even begin to stress how important this is. If you keep smiley and peaceful, the day will get so much smoother and brighter. :) Singing is a great way to keep happy and praise the Lord!
2) Be willing to serve. Taking your little siblings to the park wasn't on your to-do list? It is now. Someone needs to help your mother cook the supper? Here I am. Be willing to serve. It looks like you're taking time from yourself, but God blesses those who bless others. Reschedule & reprioritize. It's always worth it. You can have wonderful and productive day even if you don't finish everything on your to-do list. 
3) Remember what really counts. That's basically a repetition of no. 2. Your family, your friends, and your God are more important than your current read, your WIP, or your newly begun craft. Remember...

Jesus first.
Others next.
Yourself last.
That spells joy

If you keep this in mind, you'll have a successful day even if you don't get a single thing crossed off your list. For the kingdom of Heaven is to be sought first of all.

And remember--if today is a bad day, just pick yourself up, make things right, and start over tomorrow. His mercies are new every morning. <3 

~ / / ~

I'm always on the look out for more productivity tips!! Please share yours in the comments below. ;)


  1. I love this!! I love feeling just messes up my mood if I feel like I'm not doing anything. XP
    My morning looks a lot like the first section rearranged minus #3. XP And yeah, music is probably my biggest thing for productivity... XD

    1. Aw, thanks!! Saaaame!
      Oh, that’s awesome! Yesss, music is the best... ;)


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