Friday 17 April 2020

The Stationery Book Tag

You guys! I'm here with a SUPER FUN TAG created by Lindsey from Books For Christian Girls. As soon as I heard of it I knew I had to do it, but when I watched her video I got even more excited about doing it. :D It's seriously so fun, guys.

~ Q U E S T I O N S ~
(You do not have to do all these questions, I know it's a lot! So please, just do the ones you like/are interested in. :) )
They're all so fun! How can you pick?? 

Journal- What kind of journaling do you do (if any, scrapbooking included)? Share a favorite spread and share a favorite book. 
I always wanted to keep a diary, but always struggled to remember to do it! Finally in 2019 my great-aunt gave me a 5-year journal and I started doing that every night. I also have a real diary in which I write every night. I know, a little extreme, but there’s not much space in the 5-year one for long entries... but I love the idea of seeing how things change in 5 years. XP Besides my diaries I have a reading journal, where every day I note what I read, reviewed, discussed, etc. I also have an Enemy Brothers journal where I have a ton of quotes and also where I journal thoughts as I read it. And I have a Bible journal from when I did a year-long scripture copying challenge, and a devotions journal for when I read my Bible, and a sermons journal for church... and I think that’s all. XP Oh, I also have a commonplace where every day I write down quotes from books I’m reading/read. XD

 I actually have 3 sermon journals, none of which are full. I'm working on finishing them before taking up a new one, lol. 
(My sermon notes look like... a mixture of French & English. I also have a tendency to doodle & write down quotes... and story ideas. I'm getting better at keeping my mind on the sermon, though.)

Pen- A good pen is an important everyday item, what’s a book that you could read again and again? 
I love pens. I LOVE pens. My favourites are pink, purple, and black; but I also really like glittery pens. And for the book I can reread again and again... my favourite novel, Enemy Brothers, by Constance Savery. I read this book 4 times in 2 years, besides countless rereadings of certain scenes. It never gets old. It never gets less beautiful. It only becomes dearer and more amazing each time. <33 

Hand Lettering- Is there a certain pen you like seeing your handwriting in? Do you enjoy hand lettering? Share a book cover with a beautiful font. 
I love handwriting SO VERY MUCH. My favourite pen to see my handwriting is probably a black pen. It’s so distinguished. Pink or purple make me really happy too, though. And for a book cover with a beautiful font... A Question of Honor, by Jesseca Wheaton. 
IM Fell is my favourite font. I love it soooo much. <33 (that’s the title font). And I love typewriter fonts too. And I can’t not mention "Gift From the Storm," by Rebekah A. Morris. F is one of my favourite letters and I LOVE that f so, so much. <33 

Doodles- Are you a doodler? Do you have a book that has doodles anywhere on the book? 
I am very much a doodler. I doodle everywhere, even in church (a habit I am trying to break). My favourite thing to doodle is words. Who’s surprised? XP I don’t know if I have a book with doodles on it... I don’t think so.  

Stickers- What’s a genre you will always stick to and read often? 
I love the pun in this. XD For me, it’s historical. Historical fiction & nonfiction—I love both. Fiction is easier though. XD 

Washi Tape- Since washi tape is typically on a roll, share your best reading year when you were on a roll with reading.  
2019—546 books & short stories (341 new, 205 reread). Don’t ask me how. I have no idea. Honestly, I don’t. I’m flabbergasted at myself. 

Stamps- Give a book you haven’t shared about enough your stamp of approval. 
Ah! Three People by Isabella Alden. I have no idea if I ever mentioned that book on this blog—I don’t think so. It is SO good and I loved it so much. Theodore is one of my heroes. What a Godly, steady, dependable man he is. 

Sticky Notes/Post-It Notes- Do you put notes whether written or with sticky little flags in your books? If so, share one of those books and why you marked a spot.
I think I had a book that I marked with sticky flags. I don’t remember which one though... I have never put a sticky note in my book that I can remember. I seldom even use bookmarks (AND NEVER DOG-EARS). I do know that in Little Women I marked some specially good quotes with some book darts, though. 

Paint/Watercolor- What’s a cover that looks like a painting or you think it like art? 
Bridgers by Angie Thompson. I really love this cover... and the story is SO good. I totally need to reread it soon... 

Pencil Pouches or Pencil Cases?- What do you think about book cozies? Do you own any? 
I love my pencil pouch! It was gifted to me and I love it. Pencil cases are too rigid and hard! XD I don’t have any book cozies, but I think they look like a book idea! I do have a pouch for my kindle though. 

Glitter- Do you like using glitter? What’s a book cover that recently caught your eye? 
I don’t like glitter because it gets everywhere and can’t be removed. XD Surprisingly, because I love bright stuff. But yeah, glitter doesn’t suit the practical side of me. XD A book that caught my eye recently is “The Nine Hundred” by Heather Dune Macadam. 

Underrated Craft/Stationery Item- What’s one product that you think stationery fans should know about? In the same way, what’s an underrated book that readers should know? 
Gelly Roll pens!! They’re SO beautiful. I have only a couple (and I think they’re all downstairs in my sister’s craft corner lol) but I love them so much. 
Underrated book... The Dark House on the Moss by Constance Savery. This book isn’t even in print anymore, I think! I think that’s just so sad. It’s an amazing book and should definitely be known and read more! 

Bonus Question! Is there one stationery item that you can never say no to buying?
It used to be notebooks. I have a huge collection of notebooks. XD And I still have a V E R Y hard time saying no to them!!! 

Please tag some fellow stationery-lover readers!
I don't know who to tag, so I tag anyone who loves stationery too. ;) 


  1. I loved that video so much♡♡♡

    And I love this tag...and I am stealing it...

    EB... <\3 my sweet TonyMax XP

    AND THREE PEOPLE!!!!!! YALL, IF YOU NEVER READ ANOTHER BOOK, READ THAT ONE! *steps off soap box and switches off megaphone* that's my favorite Isabella Alden book of all time *heart eyes*

    And yes, so much yes to notebooks!!!!

    1. Isn’t it fun?!
      Yahooo! I look forwards to seeing your answers.
      I love Three People soooo much!!! Really need to reread it...
      Hahahah I think most writers/bookworms agree on that one XD
      Thanks for commenting, girl! <3

  2. Hi Katja!
    Thank you so much for doing the tag! I just love seeing your answers! The five-year journal is such a neat idea and love those bilingual notes! Hahaha, glad to know I'm not alone with loving puns! Oooh, what a great reading year in 2019! That's awesome!
    Thank you again for doing the tag! Your answers were so fun, Katja! Hugs!

    1. Hey, Lindsey!
      You’re so welcome! I had so much fun doing it! I’m glad you enjoyed it. :) U know, I love my 5-year journal! XD Bilingual notes... story of my life lol. Haha, nope, I love puns. And yeah, 2019 was a crazy awesome reading year... XD
      You’re so sweet! Your comment totally made my day. <33 Thank you! Hugs back!


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