Friday 12 June 2020

Never Have I Ever Tag (Writer's Edition)

And we have an unexpected post because I saw this tag on Mikayla’s blog some time ago and thought it was super fun, so I borrowed it. And then Ryana Lynn tagged me a couple days later. xP So here goes—things I have or have not done as a writer. 

Never have I ever…

…started a novel that I didn’t finish…
Um, yes. Many times. Either I lost interest, or I forgot about it, or it fizzled out, or it never was any good. But I do plan to go back and finish a couple of them... 

…written a story completely by hand…
I used to always handwrite until I was 12 or so, so yes! I don’t know if I have a full specimen of those though. 

…changed tenses midway through a story…
I don’t know... have I?? I’ve changed names, quite often, in fact. But I don’t know if I ever switched tenses... I really don’t think so. I have a hard time switching styles when I’m writing. 

…not researched anything before starting a story…
Almost always. I hate sitting down to plan before I write. I generally start, then when I have a feel of the story I write a very brief outline—the beginning, the end, the steps to go from one to the other, and that’s it. I never research. Most of my stories were historical and being a history nut, I thought I knew enough about my topic to not have to research it. But now I have researched—but always after, in the middle of writing or when editing, not before. 

…changed my protagonist’s names halfway through the draft…
Yes. Once I had an MC named Damaris and I changed it halfway through to Charis because it has a much nicer meaning. It took a long time to think of her as Charis—and she still is a D to me, not a C. 🀷🏻‍♀️ I often change characters’ names, but it’s usually earlier in the story. 

…written a story in a month or less…
Yes. I wrote “Wallace Fitzeric” in less than a month, and I may have written “Eric Fitzhild” in less than a month too. And other stories as well. 

…fallen asleep while writing…
Nope. If I’m that sleepy I give up and go to bed, lol! 

…corrected someone’s grammar in real life/online…
ALLL. THE. TIME. Bad grammar & punctuation really bother me. I’m trying hard to ameliorate my own (and do less typos!!!) and it bugs me when people don’t care & don’t try to change... and then everyone else is corrupted. (“Alot” is not a word, FYI). 

…yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel…
No... I have written notes to myself in “Wallace” but I didn’t write in caps that I can remember. 

…used “I’m writing” as an excuse…
Uh, probably... XD I don’t like stopping what I’m doing. Ever. 

…killed a character that was based off someone I know in real life…
*tries to think of characters I based off of Real Life people* I don’t ever kill off a character. They die because they have to. Not to get rid of them. That said, I don’t think I’ve never had a character die who was based off someone I knew. That would be so tragical, I think. 

…used pop culture references in a story…
Ummm... what is pop culture??? Since I don’t know, and the dictionary isn’t helping, I can’t answer this. Considering that I am not like most teens, I guess not?? 

…written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m…
Probably.... I used to get up at 5 a.m. to write. I never wrote past midnight though—that I can remember. I can get up early but I have a terrible time staying up very late. I get desperately sleepy. I did start a story once when my sisters & I were doing an all-nighter. We had to write stories and I was sooo sleepy and my handwriting was awful and I was like half-asleep and the story was about two guys and one wanted to sleep and the other didn’t. Lol. I don’t know what time it was. I just gave up and went to bed. One of the guys was a policeman, BTW. ;) 

…drank an entire pot of coffee while writing…
Never drank coffee in my life & don’t plan to, sorry. 

…written down dreams to use in potential novels…
I don’t think so. My dreams are either weird or terrifying twists on real life or sometimes the books I’ve read. (I had an awful nightmare after reading Emily Abbott one night. I have no idea why. But it was so scary. So odd, because I don’t usually have nightmares from books!) For some reason the nightmare I have most often is being in water unable to move, and there’s either a shark nearby or I’m drowning. Horribly vivid. I can see & feel the water so vividly... awful. Anywayyyys. 

…published an unedited story on the internet/blog/Wattpad…
Yes, on a private blog. 

…procrastinated homework because I wanted to write…
Ehhhh... I don’t know??? I don’t think so. 

…typed so long that my wrists hurt…
Not in one day. But I have had really sore wrists after typing for days in a row. 

…spilled a drink on my laptop while writing…
NO. As a rule I keep my water far from the compter lol. 

…forgotten to save my work/draft…
I don’t know. But I have had the computer save improperly, or the WiFi act up, so that I’ve lost words. So annoying. 

…finished a novel…
Yesss! I have a 46k one and a 80k one, and lots of other stuff ranging from 300-40,000 words. 

…laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene…
No. I have grinned like a maniac though. And writhed. XP

…cried while writing a scene…
Several times while writing Broken. I just got so emotional writing that story somehow. 

…created maps of my fictional worlds…
Yes!! At least once. I made one for my fictional land of Kalsea in Chords. Typically, I mislaid it and now I can’t find it. πŸ™„ 

…researched something shady for a novel…
Ehhh... handcuffs, how cigarettes work, whether cigarettes burn people, medical stuff... honestly I felt very uncomfortable researching the cigarettes and I just can’t understand why anyone would so willingly smoke them. 😳

~ / / ~

And if you’re writer, tag, you’re it! πŸ˜‰ Feel free to answer in the comments! 


  1. Pop culture is basically anything from your era. A phrase from a movie or book, a modern song (not necessarily a Worldly one) a restaurant, store, brand, clothing style, etc.

    Loved your answers, btw. But you ought to give decaffeinated sweetened iced coffee a try! XP

    1. Aha, okay! I may have thrown in something then... but I kind of doubt it!
      Aw, I'm glad! Hahaha, no thanks XP I don't like sweet drinks!


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