Monday 1 June 2020

8 Ways to Reclaim a Bad Day

We all have those days, don't we?

The day when everything goes wrong from the moment you wake up and just gets worse as the day goes on.

We also have those days when everything is going fine and all of a sudden EVERYTHING GOES BAD.

Neither are fun. Both are stressful. Both end up as unproductive, miserable, and failures.

But do they have to?

No way. 

Life is going to throw a lot of that kind of day at you. There's going to be times when you feel swamped by all you have to do and everything you can't do and everything that's going wrong. But there is victory. 

Here are 8 things I find help me reclaim my bad days.

1. Pray. 
It's not easy to stop everything and pray when you're stressed and angry. It's actually quite hard. We don't want to let go of our anger. We don't want to admit we're wrong. We don't want to stop what we're doing. We don't want to admit we can't do it. But that's exactly what we have to do. Reacting in anger is reacting in the flesh. We want to react the Godly way. The spiritual way. The prayerful way. So stop and pray for peace and wisdom and strength and grace. He will always hear and He will always give.

2. Decide you want to stop.  
Stop being mad. Stop being worried. Stop being bitter. Stop being stressed. Just decide that you really want to stop. Right now.

3. Start listening to Godly music.  
It is impossible to stay mad when listening to hymns. I guarantee. Music soothes the soul. The praise of God calms the heart. Before long, you'll find yourself humming or singing along, or at least feeling happy again.

4. Refuse to think of it. 
Are you mad? Think of something else. Are you bitter? Cast it away. Are you worried? Place your fears at Jesus' feet. If you let it go and turn it over to God, it will make things better already. Surrender your day into His hands.

5. Read your Bible.
If you haven't had your devotions yet, sit down and do it. If you have, sit down and read a Psalm, or Romans, or any book that you love. It's impossible to stay mad while focusing on Jesus.

6. Choose joy. 
Choose to let it go and to choose joy. Smile and sing. Anger and joy can't dwell in the same place. Allow God's peace and joy to fill you. And choose it over and over and over and over again.

7. Do something that makes you happy. 
Take five minutes to read a little in your book. Listen to your favourite song. Put on a pretty necklace. Chat for a moment with a friend. Just some little thing that will brighten up your spirits. :)

8. Get to work. 
Start working on what you have to do. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself. You'll just make things worse and deepen your frustration.

When you boil it down, it all comes to one thing:


You can choose to stay unhappy, or you can choose to be joyful. The Lord is willing to help you if you ask Him and you try. Choose the right thing, my friend. You'll never regret it. <33

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What are some of your tips on reclaiming a bad day? 


  1. I deffinitly agree. i feel like a lot of times, trying to turn a bad day around is like trying to ignore everything that made you upset, but as long as you approach and solve the problems, you should never feel bad about getting over a bad day. You're pointers are some of the very ones that I use all the time. Thank you for this post Katja!
    I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award. You can check it out here. :D

    1. Yes! Aw, yay! You're welcome! Thanks for commenting!
      OH YAY! Thanks!!!


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