Monday 8 June 2020

10 Books That Made Me Tear Up // Part Two

And we are back with part two of the mini series on books that made me tear up because I'm so emotional that it takes a long list to list them all. You can read part 1 here if you missed it.

1. Little Men by Louisa May Alcott.

Ahhhh, yes. It is really hard not to tear up during a certain chapter. XP This is a fantastic book--not as good as Little Women, but next best. ;) 

This book made me cry so hard when I first read it. It's small. But it's powerful. And beautiful. And heart-breaking. <33

All of the Christmas Collection books are sweet, but this one is just extra sweet and the ending makes me tear up!!

Oh. my. heart. I love this book so much!!! I actually spotlighted it in Broken. xD This is a beautiful tale of love and redemption and courage. <33

Angie Thompson is just an amazing author, ok?? This story was so heart-tugging and beautiful and real and hilarious and sweet. <33

THIS. When I first saw this story I fell in love. I won a copy some time later and devoured the book--reading it twice in one year. I need to reread it very soon. It is SO good. 

Yeah... another Angie Thompson book. ;D This book stole my heart. It was so sweet and real and the ending always makes me tear up...

I love this book so much. The drama XD, the sibling relationships, and the message. And the characters! 

9. Elsie Dinsmore by Martha Finley. 
I always intended to read the Elsie books, but then my sister got ahold of them and devoured them in one week (all 28 books--don't ask us how) and wouldn't stop talking about them so I started the series and yeah... they're good. :D The first one made me tear up at the end.... and the second one too... 

10. The Singing Tree by Kate Senedy. 
OK, to be honest, I can't specifically if I cried over this one. But I certainly did get emotional. It is absolutely beautiful and moving. 

~ // ~

Have you read any of these books? Did they make you tear up too??


  1. What a neat idea! I might have to do this!

    1. Isn't it?! You ought to! I stole it from Abi Claire.

  2. I recently read Home Fires of the Great War and LOVED it!!! It was sooo good, and I really wish there was a sequel (but sadly there isn't). The scene that almost made me tear up was when Alan was about to go off to war... :( It was so beautiful!! <3 <3
    I've also read Elsie Dinsmore, Unbroken, A Brother is Born, and I think I might have read Little Men. :)

    1. ISN'T IT SOOO GOOOOD?! I wished there was a sequel tooo!!! That scene is amazing and so sad and beautiful, yess.... now I want to reread the book so badly! :D
      Aww, those are all great! I'm so glad :)


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