Saturday 20 July 2019

The Music Tag

Today I’m doing a fun tag that Mikayla left open a loooong time ago and which I found in her archives. ;) I enjoyed doing this tag a lot! I got all the music off Naxos, which I believe is only a Canadian thing. 

  1. Write ten songs that come on shuffle (no skipping).
  2. Write your favourite lyric from each song.
  3. Tag some people.

Confession: I skipped one song which I don’t like the lyrics of, just the music.

1: “Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven” by Henry Francis Lyte (Worcester Cathedral Choir, “Blessed City: Hymns from Worcester”). 

I love how rich and praiseful this song is. And this choir sings it so well!! The last stanza <33 

“Fatherlike He tends and spares us;
Well our feeble frame he knows.
In His hand He gently bears us,
Rescues us from all our foes.
Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him, praise Him!
Widely yet His mercy flows!”

2: “Tell Out, my Soul,” by Timothy Smith-Dudley (Huddersfield Choral Society, “The Hymns Album”). 

This hymn is very singable and has lovely truth :)  

“Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice.
Tender to me the promise of His Word;
In God, my Saviour, shall my heart rejoice.” 

3: “Hills of the North” by Charles E. Oakley (Huddersfield Choral Society, “The Hymns Album”).

This song is so spirited and triumphant and has beautiful words... and this arrangement of it is perfect. ^_^

“Isles of the Southern seas,
Sing to the listening earth,
Carry on every breeze
Hope of a world's new birth:
In Christ shall all be made anew,
His word is sure, His promise true.”

4: “Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling-Place” (Westminster Choir, “Favorite Hymns & Anthems”). 

This arrangement is perfect for this hymn!

“Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever Thou hast formed the earth and the world,
Even from eternity to eternity, 
Thou art God.” 

5: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” by Walter Chalmers Smith (Worcester Cathedral Choir, “Blessed City: Hymns from Worcester”). 

A song of praise... not my favourite, but I love the music. 

“Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great Name we praise.”

6: “Let All the World in Evry Corner Sing” by George Herbert (Queen’s College Choir, Cambridge; Cambridge University Brad’s Ensemble; Matthew Steynor; & James Weeks, “Wedding Hymns”). 

So joyous and happy!!  

“Let all the world in evry corner sing,
‘My God and King!’
The church with psalms must shout:
No door can keep them out.
But, more than all, the heart
Must bear the longest part.
Let all the world in evry corner sing,
‘My God and King!’”

7: “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” by Sebastian Temple (Salisbury Cathedral Choir, “Hymns From England”). 

I love this arrangement of this song. I never heard it before, but the music is gorgeous! 

“Make me a channel of Your peace
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness, only light,
And where there's sadness ever joy.”

8: “Abide with Me” by Henry Francis Lyte (King’s College Choir, Cambridge, “Love Divine: The Essential Hymns Collection”).

I love this whole hymn!!! (And they sing all my favourite verses). It’s so hard to pick one stanza. 

“Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;
Earth's joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.”

9: “Onward, Christian Soldiers” by Sabine Baring-Gould (Salisbury Cathedral Choir, “Hymns From England”). 

Not my favourite lyrics, but I love the tune and they sing it so well. 

“Crowns and thrones may perish,
Kingdoms rise and wane;
But the church of Jesus
Constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never
’Gainst the church prevail;
We have Christ’s own promise,
And that can not fail!” 

10: “Amazing Grace” by John Newton (Queen’s College Choir, Cambridge; Cambridge University Brad’s Ensemble; Matthew Steynor; & James Weeks, “Wedding Hymns”). 

Amazing Grace—who doesn’t love the lyrics of this hymn?! 

“The Lord hath promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.” 

And I tag... Kassie & Ryana Lynn. Anyone else who wants to do it, feel free! Enjoy! ;) 

Have a lovely Saturday, everyone! <3


  1. Wow, I had forgotten that I had done this tag! It's a fun one. =)
    I love Abide in Me! You got some awesome lyrics! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Haha! Yes, it is! :)
      It's just so gorgeous, isn't it!? Thank you! :) <3

  2. Wow, this is one fun tag!! I can’t wait to do this! Next month sometime. ;) I. Love. “Abide With Me.” It’s so beautiful and honestly a little sad, in a good way! Thanks for tagging me, girl!

    1. It is! I'm eager to see your answers ;) Isn't it gorgeous?! And so hopeful... yes! You're very welcme, dearie!

  3. I'll join the Abide With Me bandwagon! So pretty! This will be so much fun!

    1. *pulls you on* I'm so happy to find people in this wagon! ;) It's my favourite hymn, and that's saying a lot. I'm looking forwards to your post! :)


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