Tuesday 29 October 2019

The NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag

So we have an unexpected tag today because I saw this the other night and decided to answer it. ;D

  1. Thank the person that tagged you. (Sarah left this tag open.)
  2. Link back to the creator of this tag, Sophie @ Sophie’s Corner
  3. Feel free to use the NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag graphics!
  4. Answer the questions.
  5. Tag some friends who are also doing NaNo this year.
  6. And have fun!!!

1. Tell me about your NaNoWriMo project this year! Give me a blurb!

I am being a NaNo Reb this year and instead of doing once project, I'm doing several. I am finishing my WIP, Broken; I'm finishing an Untitled Australian Bushranger WIP; a short story about Jerry & J.C. from Chords; a novella about Jerry & Jennifer after they're married; and then I plan to do some flash fiction. We'll see if any of those stories end up into a 50k novel. xD 

*I literally just made up three of these blurbs right now* 

~ Broken ~
Nathaniel Kemp is drowning in the darkness that surrounds him. Crime, abuse, grief, and violence have buried him in a deep slough of depression and bitterness. When hitchhiking to see his sister for the last time before taking his own life, Nathan is picked up by two unusual brothers. James, the eldest, insists that Jesus Christ died to save Nathan from his sins and can give him a new life. As the years roll on and Nathan continues to battle his past, he wonders... can there be forgiveness and healing even for him? 

~ Untitled Bushranger WIP ~
Three brothers faced by tragedy. Which one will prove the strongest?
Roland, William, and Zephaniah Edwards have only a last name in common. Roland is a first lieutenant aboard one of Her Majesty’s ships, polished and gentlemanly, with a good-natured, tolerant contempt for the lower class. Will is a stolid, silent gentleman farmer in Australia, hard and reserved. And Zeph is a long-legged, merry-tongued boy with a warm heart in which lurks no interest in rank and class.
When the three brothers visit their uncle, a wealthy settler in rural Australia, the brothers create very different impressions. Roland plays the cavalier to his cousin and her friend, while ignoring the blacks and ex-convict servants. Will lends his uncle his advice, and riles the hands by his harshness. And Zeph, not content with befriending every creature on the place, decides to worm his way into the heart of his uncle’s right-hand man—a silent, rough ex-convict. 
When unexpected tragedy befall the family, each young man is forced to sound for his foundation and reassess his character. Which one will emerge victorious over his foes within and without?

~ Strains ~
Jared Gray and his little brother J.C. have been kidnapped by their uncle and handed over to an underground crime corporation. Still grieving over the tragical death of his parents two months ago, Jared finds his bitter and morose attitude raises many difficulties. For the sake of his brother, he becomes skilled in carrying out the coercion, blackmailing, and harassing he is ordered to do. J.C., however, persistently refuses to stop to crime. Jared cannot bear to see his brother harmed, and when God fails to answer his prayers, he considers himself abandoned by the Lord and hands himself over to the darkness, to J.C.'s dismay. Sparks begin to fly as Jared confronts Mathieson, the chief of the establishment, concerning his brother. Jared is caught between J.C.'s instances that they do what is right, and Mathieson's assurances that one should look out for himself. Can God still watch over and care for them, forsaken as they are? Or is Mathieson correct in saying there is no God? 

Dave has always been obliged to watch out for himself. His dad is dead, his mother abandoned him, and his big brother uses him to help commit the arson he plans out. Dave lives only for his little brother, Anthony. When the chance of a lifetime arrives, he seizes it and runs away with Anthony. It isn't as easy as it sounds. Two weeks later, Dave is in despair. Winter has decide to return, and as street-savvy as he is, Dave is unable to scrounge out the food they need. Finding shelter in an unlocked shed seems a good idea, until the owner decides to come put his shovels back inside. 
But Mr. Gray is unlike anyone Dave has ever seen before, and so is his wife. They are kind, smart, and firm. Still, he is suspicious of their willingness to take two runaways in. Determined to make them show their true colours, he does everything he can think of and goes as far as he can to provoke them. In spite of everything, they remain just and caring. As the months stretch on, Dave begins to wonder if he is mistaken. Anthony is completely happy and already calls the Grays his parents; and Dave struggles against his growing trust and affection for them. Could it be that true love exists in the world? And can someone like him be made a new person?

2. What’s the genre?
Broken: Christian contemporary. 
Bushranger WIP: Christian historical fiction. 
Strains & Notes: Fantasized contemporary dystopian. xD

3. Describe your MC in three words.
Broken: Angry, bitter, hopeless. 
Bushranger WIP: Well, there are three, so...
R: Polished, proud, competent. 
W: Silent, hard, bitter.
Z: Loving, cheerful, Christian.
Strains: Frustrated, hurting, afraid. 
Notes: Suspicious, hard, passionate. 

4. Without spoilers, describe your villain in three words.
Broken: Alcohol, crime, neglect.
Bushranger WIP: *coughs* Wily, unscrupulous, passionate. 
Strains: Smooth, unscrupulous, manoeuvering. 
Notes: Anger, abuse, emotions. 

5. What is your goal? (the traditional 50K? 20K? 5K? or……. 100K?)
I'd like to reach 50k. We'll see if that happens. :) 

6. Is this your first draft? Second? Third?
It's my first draft for Broken, but I think I will rewrite the Australian WIP. First draft with Notes; rewrite for Strains

7. Are you starting a new project (or draft), or continuing an existing one?
Bushranger & Strains are old projects, Broken & Notes are new. 

8. What is your favourite time to write in the day?
Evening. 7:30-9:30. 

9. Where are you going to write?
At the laptop or the desktop on may desk; or on my phone, in which case I can be anywhere. 

10. Computer or paper?
Computer. No transcribing that way. :)

11. NaNoWriMo is a huge commitment!! How are you going to make time to write?
Uhhh... just make time for it! Other hobbies will have to be put aside and wait. :) 

12. Are you going to participate in local or online NaNoWriMo events? (e.g. kick-off parties in your city, write-ins, virtual writing sprints…)
I will very likely do many sprints with my writing buddies, which will be so fun! 

13. Do you write from beginning to end or skip around?
I always write beginning to end. I'm a plantser and I usually find out what's happening in my story as I write. I seldom have an idea of where I'm going when I start. 

14. Planner or pantser? (or plantser?)
Plantser all the way! I need to have the big plot points decided, or at least know what major things will happen, but I can't plan it all. It comes as I write. 

15. What will be your go-to NaNoWriMo snack?
I'm hoping that my sister & I will make some peanut butter cups for NaNo. XD But I don't snack as I write. I love to snack while I read, but snacking while I write... no, thanks. 

16. Choice of caffeine? (or no caffeine?)
No caffeine. I don't like hot beverages. 

17. Any rewards for milestone achievements? For finishing NaNoWriMo?
Hm, I haven't thought of that. When I finish NaNo I will probably read a book I've been wanting to read for a while, or something. :) As for milestones, the excitement of having reached them is reward enough.
Update: I just decided my reward. It'll be the permission to work another project guilt-free instead of reading or writing. xP 

18. Share a tip for other NaNo-ers!
Decide in advance what you're writing, but don't feel bad about switching projects. NaNo is about writing, not getting burned out. Write extra when its's really flowing, so then you have a good bumper for bad days. And be excited. :) 

19. How are you feeling about NaNoWriMo? (Excited?! Nervous!? Terrified?!)
Excited! I'm eager to dive into these stories!! 

20. Share an aesthetic for your NaNoWriMo novel!
I've only got a little one for Broken...

And I tag... whoever is doing NaNo!


  1. Fun tag answers! Happy writing!! <3

  2. I'm so excited for all of these stories!!....especially Broken. <33

    1. Aw, thanks, girl! I’m eager for them too!


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