Monday 16 September 2019

Tips for Writing Reviews | Blog Post Round-Up

And, as I promised last week, today is a round-up of the posts that helped shape my review writing. I am sharing these because they helped me, and perhaps they may help someone else. :)

Why Write Reviews? 
First off, why write reviews? They are an investment. They take time and thought. Why bother to write them? These blog posts helped me realize why I should review books. 
  1. Why I Write Book Reviews by Amanda Tero.
  2. Why Authors Love Reviews More Than Chocolate by Abigayle Claire.
I write reviews because I want to help people find good books... and I want good books to be known. 

How do You Write Reviews? 
There are many ways to write reviews. Here are some posts that helped create my own style.
  1. Short, Sweet Book Reviews by Hailey Rose.
  2. Reviews that Make a Difference by Rebekah A. Morris.
  3. Positively Negative by Kate Willis.
  4. Book Review Etiquette & Tips by Victoria Lynn (I recommend watching the video too if you're like me and want to get every bit of info you can ;))
  5. Let's Get Real! by Rebekah A. Morris.
  6. How I Write a Book Review by Abigayle Claire.
  7. Writing Book Reviews by Hailey Rose.
This is a short post, but I hope it's helpful! What are your thoughts on these posts?


  1. Thanks for sharing all these!! I'm starting to think about writing reviews more XD

    1. You’re so welcome! I’m glad it was somewhat helpful :) Thanks for commenting!


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