Tuesday 19 November 2019

The Intimidating TBR Tag

I stole this tag from Victoria's old blog Victoria's Book Nook

Amount: 557 books. 😅  
Mostly: Historical Fiction & Nonfiction.
Since: 2016. 🙊
Will Finish By: 2020??? I don't know... probably not... those things last you all your life. But I do hope to read some books that have been on there for 3 years!! ðŸ˜…

1 // A book on your TBR pile that you haven't finished.
Like, all of them? If you mean one I started & never finished... A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I loved it, I just... we were reading it for school, and when we stopped, we weren’t done it... and I had forgotten the beginning over the summer so I have to reread the whole beginning and I just haven’t gotten back to it. 

2 // A book you just haven't had the time to read for.
Basically all of them... We’ll go with A Question of Loyalty by Jesseca Wheaton. I want to reread books 1 & 2 before I read book 3, and I haven’t had time yet. 

3 // A book you haven't read because it's a sequel.
Escape & Endurance by Sarah Holman. I haven't read Dreams & Devotion yet, and I want to read Elapse first, but I haven't gotten it yet. 

4 // A book you haven't read because it's brand new.
So I don't actually have any brand-new books. But... I downloaded this book just the other day... Storm Warriors; or, Life-Boat Work on the Goodwin Sands by John Gilmore. It sounds interesting! I love books about the sea & I just recently discovered books about the lifeboats of England in the 1800s and it’s very interesting. 

5 // A book by and author you read previously but didn't really like.
I don’t happen to have any books that I’m hesitant to try for that reason. But I’m putting off The Earth & Sky by Edward S. Holden because it sounds like his astronomy book which is somewhat boring.

6 // A book on your TBR pile that you’re just not in the mood to read.
5 Secrets of Story Structure by K.M. Weiland. I just don’t feel like studying right now. 😉

(But I've heard it's super good, and it's currently still free, so maybe go check it out?) 

7 // A book on your TBR pile that you haven't read because it's enormous.
*coughs* All of Sir Winston Churchill’s books. I have books 1-3 of his Second World War series and book 2 of his History of the English-Speaking Peoples and... it takes a lot of determination to sit down and read Churchill. I love his writing, but it is long. 


8 // A book on your TBR you bought because of the cover.
*hides* So I used to be innocent of this but now I have fallen into it. The Princess Spy by Melanie Dickerson. I have three of her books now and I look forwards to reading them. 

9 // The book on your TBR you find the most intimidating.
Oooo... uh... most intimidating?? The Complete Harvard Classics. That thing is S O  B I G. 😰


  1. WOW my word girl you have goals...haha...sadly I do not have such big goals in my TBR life. I am wanting to read more indie books and support the authors but that takes money...*SIGH*

    1. Lol don’t I know it... this is one of the places where my highly optimistic nature comes forth... XD ... I know! I mostly get my books free, but I’m so happy when I can afford to buy an indie book. ^_^

  2. *looking at Churchill like...That would kill me to even attempt* I'm reading The KM Weiland book right now! Oh, you'll really like it! And it's a permanent freebie! I really want to read the Princess Spy! Let me know how it turns out!

    1. Hahaha! I love Churchill’s writing so much. Oh cool! I’m glad to know that. And that’s it permafree. That’s so good :) I will! I can’t read it until I’ve read the other books though so it might take a while; I haven’t got the other books in the series, I think. I just got that one since it was on a sale.

  3. Ohh fun tag!! ;DD I lovvvve Melanie Dickersons books!! One book on my TBR is Enemy Brothers, I've heard you talk about it so much that I need to find out what all the hype is about ;D

    1. Isn’t it! XD I’m eager to try her. YAYYYYY THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!!! :D

  4. Okay, that is an intimidating TBR. X’D Ahh, I remember reading like the first page of the first Churchill book when I was younger. They are really impressive!!

    1. Yeah, right. XD They’re beautiful! So deep but which such poetic writing—and quite humorous!


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