Thursday 21 May 2020

8 Favourite Spring Reads

So I started this series back in September 2019. Don't confuse it with my series of Favourite Books I Read This Season. That is a list of my favourite books from various categories that I read during a certain season. This is a list of book recommendations set in a certain season. I got myself confused here, so don't worry if you did. I think I need better titles for these... 

Anyways, here we go. 8 books I love which are set in Spring or make me think of Spring. And I'm going to try and make these all books that I read this year. XD

(and I know I'm late.... sorry. ;) ).

Yes, yes, that is a whole series. And not every book starts in spring. But most of them do, and I think this is a series that is perfect to read in Spring. Victoria Minks once said that every book has a feel of a certain season in it. The book season of Spring she defined as, "The main feeling throughout the book will be hopeful, new beginnings, light, fresh, tender, inspiring, and uplifting." I feel like this totally describes all of the Anne books. They are just full of growth, learning, beauty, hope, love, and inspiration. And you have to admit no one describes spring quite as delightfully as Montgomery! 

This book is set in late winter, and most of it takes place in spring. My favourite chapter is all about Spring. <33 If you've managed to be around me for a month and not hear about this book, congratulations and please tell me how you managed it. I admit I talk of this book day in and day out but that is because it totally deserves it. I am a girl that loves many, many books and many, many characters, because loving things is easy to me, especially loving people. So when I say a book is in my top favourites, it means that the book was a gem. And for this book to make it to my top favourite novel, after 18 years of reading amazing, beautiful books that I love to death... you’d better believe there’s something special about this book. I am not the only one who says so. Everyone I know who has ever read Enemy Brothers loves it. Many of them love it almost as much as I do. It is well written—you learn a lot about how to portray male characters, how to give backstory without info-dumping, how to describe a character only through a sentence & his dialogue, how to make someone love a character who never even appeared on scene... there are many writing lessons in this book. It also has a beautiful plot—slow-paced enough to be relaxing, but gripping enough to make it hard to put down. It has a beautiful message—the message of true love & what it costs. It has lovely but short descriptions. It portrays England & Germany very accurately. It is set in the author’s contemporary—the middle of WWII, just when she was writing it. But I think the crowing glory of Enemy Brothers is the characters—the great cast of major & minor characters who live & breathe. No other book has made me actually miss characters like this book does. I have read this book 4 times in 2 years, not counting the multiple rereading of my favourite parts, and it is still just as beautiful & exciting & heart-tugging to me as ever. I have dug deep into this book & discovered so much richness hidden in it. No other book (besides the Bible) has ever been so rewarding to delve in to. So this is my Favourite Novel, & I hope that someday you will give it a try too, because I am sure that it would be a blessing to you. 

As with the Anne books, not all of these are set in Spring, but most of them deal with Spring and they also are the perfect spring reads. If you have not yet read the original Pooh books, go. read. them. Now. They are timeless and absolutely wonderful for all ages. <33 I’ve known the Pooh books all my life. I remember reading “Winnie-the-Pooh” & “The House at Pooh Corner” many times as a child, laughing at the humour, enjoying reading it aloud to my siblings. We also had “When We Were Very Young” & “Now We Are Six,” and we read & loved those just as much. When I was in my late teens my mother got the audio versions of the Pooh books (Peter Dennis’ version) and my buddy-sister adored them. We listened to them day in and day out. I am able to repeat parts of the books from memory, which makes me so happy, because Milne is such an awesome writer to quote! But as I listened to the books, with grown-up ears, I understood & appreciated the wit & beauty & truth hidden in these books. Truly, they are for all ages. Eeyore’s advice to Rabbit about conversations, for example—so much sarcasm, & yet so much truth! My very favourite quote will forever be this one: 
“I don’t see much sense in that,” said Rabbit. 
No, said Pooh humbly, there isn’t. But there was going to be when I began it. It’s just that something happened to it on the way.”

This book is set in Spring, just when the storks return to Holland. It is such a sweet, cute, funny read! I deeply enjoyed it and I think anyone would enjoy it just as much. It's a different Spring than we have... but I think it still fits. ;) 
{ My review }

This book. Oh my word. This one is set in spring, and I think that the next three books begin in Spring as well. Rosemary Sutcliff is amazing at describing Spring! This book is fast-paced and gripping, but it also has sweet, beautiful, restful parts and a kind, witty humour. The characters are absolutely fantastic and the themes are just so good. There is some content, so please read my review before reading this! 

The Elsie books, again, are not all set in Spring, but several of them are. I have not read them all (just 8 so far) but they have all been so sweet, refreshing, pure, and lovely. They're just like a breath of fresh air, although I do not agree with everything, and the first book is a bit hard to get through. But they're such an amazing series!! I highly recommend them. The link above leads to a Wikipedia page; scroll down for a list of all the books & their accessibility. 

This book was such a pleasant surprise! I was expecting an epic battle between rats and mice, and instead it was such a sweet story of help and kindness and growth. It is set in Spring, which ticks the internal clock along... ;) It is just a delightful story and I enjoyed every minute of it.

This book is one of my very top favourites. It starts in Spring and it feels Spring-ish to me... hopeful, full of new beginnings, gentle, restful, loving... Each chapter is pretty short, and it's a great book to read when you've only got minutes scattered throughout your day. I have read this book back to back many times, and it has never lost its old-fashioned charm. <33 

So there you are. I hope you enjoy these books, if you pick them up. Let me know if you have read any of them, and what your favourite Spring reads are! 


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