Friday 27 December 2019

8 Favourite Books I Read This Autumn

Hey friends! I am back with another post of my favourite books read this season. I know, I'm super late, butttt... oh well.
It’s quite funny to look back at these books! It seems like soooo long ago since I read these but it’s only been about three months. Click the links to read my reviews. ,

*Note: I borrowed some of these categories & this post idea from Kate Willis.

Romance ~ 

By “romance,” I mean a book that cannot stand if you take out the romance. Chip, of the Flying U by B.M. Bower is perhaps the funniest romance I’ve ever read. It was hilarious. There was some content (read my review for details) but I really enjoyed it and I intend to read the rest of the series.
Fantasy ~ 

By “fantasy,” I mean books set in this world but in made-up countries or places. The Tales of Tarsurella by Olivia Lynn Jarmusch took the cake this time. Those three books totally took my heart by storm. My favourite of the three was book 2, but I looooved book 1 & book 3 too. They were so real—I felt as if Tarsurella was a real place. And they were beautiful, hilarious, and SUCH rollercoasters. <33

Historical Fiction ~
Rilla of Ingleside, by L.M. Montgomery. I haven’t reread this book for years, and I loved it so much more as an older girl. It is the most poignant and beautiful war book I have ever read. I don’t think I have any higher praise.

Nonfiction ~
Basic Principles of Speech by William Trufant Foster & Lew Sarrett. I started this one in August, but I read most of it in September. It’s my favourite book because it’s so full of wisdom and humour and helpful tips for life in general. 

Finish That Series ~
Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I’ve been retreading these old favourites all year, and in September I finished the last three. <33 I’d forgotten how much I loved them, and I loved them even more as a young woman.
History ~
Battles with the Sea by R.M. Ballantyne. I have never heard of the English lifeboats of the 1800s before, but they are fascinating! This was such an interesting book to read and I really enjoyed it.
Comedy ~
Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat. I reread this book about once a year and it never gets old. It is SO. hilarious. We laughed so hard reading it the first time, and I still laugh rereading it.
MG/Juvenile Fiction ~
The New Treasure-Seekers by Edith Nesbit. I both read book 1 & reread book 2 during the summer, and this autumn I read the third and final book. They’re very humorous and with a little editing are perfect readalouds or solo reads for 8-14-year-olds.
Reread ~ 

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I’ve reread this book at least once a year ever since I have first read the whole thing... and I love it a little more each time. So humorous, so real, so beautiful, so sad, so good... it’s my second-favourite novel for a very good reason.

Mystery ~

The Window at the White Cat by Mary Rinehart Roberts. This book was absolutely hilarious and very mysterious. I enjoyed it so, so much and at the moment it stands as my favourite mystery, with That Affair Next Door as a close runner-up.

Contemporary ~
More About Paddington by Michael Bond. Okay, so this is contemporary with a fantasy twist. It’s set in our modern world, only with a talking, thinking bear that no one is surprised to see. XP It is excellent. I think it’s even a little bit funnier than the first book!

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So, can you name any favourite books you read this autumn?

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